The second method is the use of a super simple script. It’s obvious why this isn’t the greatest method. You will need to set the Critical battery action to ‘do nothing’ if you’re monitoring high battery charge levels otherwise when your battery is say 99% charged, the action might trigger the hibernate state. You can set the Critical battery level to whatever percentage of battery charge you wanted to be alerted to. The first method has you revisiting the Power Plans. This one is kind of tricky and there are two ways you can get this done. Levels can be set for both when your system is plugged in and/or on battery. The great thing is you can select just how much those levels are. Here you can enable an audio alert for when the battery reaches Critical level and for when it is low. Scroll down the list of manageable options until you see the Battery option. Go to Control Panel>Hardware and Sound>Power Options>Edit Plan Settings and select a power plan to edit. You can use both to get on-screen and audio alerts for when your battery has charged up to a certain level and it works for when you want to set a limit to the minimum or maximum charge. Fortunately, both problems were solved by using a script, and some built-in battery checks that Windows has. There was the obvious risk that I’d just forget to check how much charge my battery had left, or how full it was. Since it hadn’t bothered me in the past (and this is about 4 years worth of past), I really had zero ideas as to how to monitor battery percentage levels without expanding too much effort. Before this happened, all I ever needed to care about was if my battery was plugged in and charging.

Now that it’s been repaired, I have to keep a very close eye on how much the battery is charged. I had a spot of trouble with my laptop these past few days.